Thursday, May 21, 2020

Top 5 ways to rejuvenate your skin

Top 5 ways to rejuvenate your skin It’s almost that time of year again, when the weather turns, nights get shorter, days become hotter! For most of us, Summer means dry skin, chapped lips and sunscreen, but with a little extra effort, you can ensure your skin stays healthy and full of life over the harsh Summer months. Below is a list of our top five ways to keep your skin looking and feeling rejuvenated this summer. Stay Hydrated It is more important than ever to stay hydrated over the summer period. Hot weather can result in skin becoming dehydrated, which in turn can lead to sore, chapped lips and dry skin. Ensure you are drinking around three litres of fluids on a daily basis to combat this dehydration. Not only will staying hydrated provide your skin with vital moisture from the inside, but it will also keep you feeling fit over the season. Treat yourself to regular oil massages Oil massages are an excellent way of soothing dry and damaged skin throughout summer. Applying oil based products to the skin replenishes moisture which is lost during hot weather and a massage allows theses products to fully absorb into the skin. Oils can also act as a barrier, protecting your skin against the harsh conditions outside. Massages can also aid stiff bones and joints that can ache in any weather whilst improving blood circulation. On top of all this, massages can greatly improve our mood and well being when the weather is hot and stuffy. Invest in a good quality face mask Adding face masks to your skincare regime can really make a difference during the hot months. Try to avoid clay masks as this can dry out your skin, opt for a cream or gel based product instead. Face masks containing moisture rich ingredients such as olive oil, avocado and milk will provide your skin with everything it needs to stay supple, soft and protected from the extreme temperatures outside. Eat well Ensuring that we are consuming enough vitamins and minerals can stop your skin from looking or feeling tired and dull. Stock up on nutrient rich foods such as cabbage, kale and broccoli which will provide your body with the essential vitamins needed in order to repair itself. Foods high in vitamin C such as oranges, lemons and berries can improve the skins collagen levels, helping to maintain firm, smooth and healthy skin all year round. Keep up appearances Looking good always helps when trying to feel fabulous when it is hot and muggy. Many of us tend to neglect ourselves, hiding and staying indoors more often. However, it is important to maintain our skincare regimes especially over the Summer period. This includes maintaining our hair removal routines. Staying fuzz free can make us feel happier and more body confident. If you are considering more innovative forms of hair removal such as laser treatment, then Summer is a great time to undergo laser hair removal. Laser hair removal experts, Medical Laser Aesthetic Clinic can make the whole experience a stress-free one. Setting time aside to undergo laser hair removal can give you and your skin the attention it needs to keep you looking and feeling your best. So what are you waiting for?

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